

Mark was always more keen on the dance floor than the bar on nights out. Fast forward a few years after university, and he eventually tries a little Ceroc but discovered he has the hips better suited for Latin dances. He initially focused on Salsa, and Mark particularly favoured dancing on 5 with a fairly jolty lead and a bonus beginners bounce. As the years passed by, this improved somewhat. Then he took a year off to go travelling, and had forgotten more things than he could remember.

To keep things fresh, he started to pick up Bachata. Basically, this started out as a big hug with background music. Eventually, actual dance moves would break out.

Mark moved from London and found a new home in Cambridge. He joined the Bachata Obsesion group in 2016 for a new set of challenges.

His dancing journey has been going for around 9 years already but it has always been a happy place.

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